Thursday, August 1, 2013

Toe Cozie

Last winter a friend was tired of her toes being cold, unable to wear a shoe because of a foot injury. She created a toe cozie to go over her cast and cover her toes to keep them warm. Since, she makes them and donates them to the Walter Reed Medical center to pass out to patients. She brought the idea to our Crochet Club and we joined in the effort. Here is a simple pattern that I worked up. You can embellish them as you choose. The cozie on the left I added a fuzzy border by adding an additional row of single crochets. The sock monkey is an example how you can embellish and make your cozie original. 


Hook Size J
Red Heart Yarn

DC - Double Crochet
SC - Single Crochet
Join - (Join the end of each round by slip stitching into the top of the first Double Crochet)

Start with Magic Ring, Chain 2

Row 1: 7 DC in Magic Ring, join. Chain 2
Row 2: 2 DC in each stitch and join. Chain 2. (16 stitches total)
Row 3: 2 DC, DC in next 3 stitches, Repeat 3X. Chain 2. (20 stitches total)
Row 4: 2 DC, DC in next 3 stitches, Repeat 4X Chain 2. (25 stitches total)
Row 5: 2 DC, DC in next 4 stitches, Repeat 4X Chain 2. (31 stitches total)
Row 6: 2 DC, DC in next 4 stitches, Repeat 5X Chain 2. (37 stitches total)
Row 7 - 17: DC in each stitch around, joining and chaining 2 after each round. (37 stitches each round.)

Chain stitch a long enough chain to lace through the posts of  Row 17 with enough left out to gather and tie. Accessorize as you see fit!


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